The Spot Press, Collection by Charlee Brodsky

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The Spot Press, Collection by Charlee Brodsky


What began as a request from a friend for a photograph of pears has become a series of still life photographs using objects collected over the years to create worlds within small spaces. By re-contextualizing these objects, the artist pays respect to the tradition of still life art while exploring forms and issues that are relevant to the world today.

As a teacher, I saw my role as a partner who asked students about their decisions, offered advice about improving craft, and I showed students significant work from the pantheon of photographers to broaden their knowledge of photography. Yet, there were aspects of the classroom that were challenging. I think that I kept with up with technology —I do love PhotoShop and InDesign—but culture keeps on evolving and I aged. With that context in mind, I hope that I designed courses to teach what I think students should learn through photography—whether the camera is pointed outward or inward, and that is not "what to see” with a camera, but "how to see”.

Charlee will continue to be a part of the School of Design as a Faculty Emeritus, Carnegie Mellon University.

Assortment of 5 x 7 - inch folding notes

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